Fix the pumps

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rewinding update #2

Here's an update of the progress of rewinding of pump motors which were due to be rewound under these two contracts. The original solicitation is here. The Times-Picayune article that first talked about the problem of unrewound motors is here.

Note: all the station names below are weblinks that take you to Google Maps pages with the stations' locations

Station 1
Pump "B," 550 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "C," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "D," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "E," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete

Note: Pump "A," 550 cfs, burned up Dec. 15th and was rewound by the S&WB.

Station 2
Pump "A," 550 cfs, rewinding complete (as of today)
Pump "B," 550 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "C," 1000 cfs, rewinding not started
Pump "D," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete

Note: according to solicitation, pump "C" was to be rewound before pump "B"

Station 3
Pump "A," 550 cfs, rewinding
Pump "B," 550 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "C," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "D," 1000 cfs, not on rewinding list, but it should be. This pump has a metal housing around its motor, but the housing has not been opened for inspection since Katrina.
Pump "E," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete

Station 5
Pump "A," 550 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "B," 550 cfs, rewinding not started (I'm not absolutely sure about this, but I'm pretty sure)
Constant duty pumps CD1 & CD2, 80 cfs each, rewinding in progress
Note: Original bid solicitation said pump "B" was to be rewound before constant duty pumps. Also, an amendment to the bid specifications said that CD2 was eliminated from the scope of work.

Station 6
Pump "D," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "E," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "F," 1000 cfs, rewinding

Note: Pumps "A," "B," and "C" were previously rewound under S&WB contracts

Station 7
Pump "A," 550 cfs, rewinding complete
Pump "C," 1000 cfs, rewinding complete


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