Fix the pumps

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Problems at the floodgates - Part 5

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 4.1

Part 5 - What can you do?

So, we've seen examples of lots of different problems at the floodgates. What can be done about them? Because, while the Corps might check in to this blog on a daily basis (and they do), will anything really happen as a result?

Who knows? What I do know is they are all civil servants that are answerable to the taxpayers, and that means addressing taxpayers' concerns. And I don't mean answerable in a "they work for people that are up for election every few years" kind of way. I mean in a 21st century way. That means they all have email addresses, and so do their bosses. So I've pulled them all together to allow you to express your concerns.

I don't think I'm breaking any code collecting their Corps emails in one place. After all, the Corps' New Orleans District did so this past May, when they published many of their employees addresses on their registration list for a hurricane seminar. Also, googling any of these addresses brings them up on other webpages, many of them Corps pages.

The reason I'm putting these particular names out there is because they are the ones with their signatures (or had someone designated to sign for them) on the approval or routing sheets in the Orleans Parish pumping stations PIR, the Floodgates PIR, or they are direct supervisors of those people.

If you do email these folks, please let them know you appreciate their hard work and all that they have done for the area since Katrina. Also realize that many of them are crazy busy, and might not write back. However, they are civil servants, and as such, are supposed to be responsive to the concerns of the American taxpayers.

Colonel Richard P. Wagenaar, Commander, New Orleans District of the Corps

Lieutenant Colonel Murray P. Starkel, Deputy Commander, New Orleans District

Colonel Jeffrey Bedey, head of the newly formed Hurricane Protection Office at the New Orleans District, which has direct responsibility over the pump station repair contracts and the floodgate projects

Jim St. Germain, Project Manager, New Orleans District; author of the Orleans Pump Station PIR

Christophor Gilmore, Project Manager, New Orleans District; author of the Floodgates PIR

Greg Breerwood, Deputy for Planning, Programs and Project Management, New Orleans District

Walter Baumy, Chief of Engineering Division, New Orleans District

Michael Lowe, Chief of Emergency Operations, New Orleans District

Brigadier General Robert Crear, Commander, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) of the Corps (MVD is above New Orleans)

Colonel Albert M. Bleakley, Deputy Commander, Mississippi Valley Division
(this one is a guess based on BG Crear's address above; I couldn't find it online)

David Sills, Chief of Emergency Management and Security Division, Mississippi Valley Division

To make copying into a "to:" field easier, here they are all together:,,,,,,,,,,


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