Almost a year
That's how long I've been waiting for the Corps to fulfill some of my Freedom of Information Act requests. It's ridiculous.
None of them are particularly detailed or complicated. They are all very specific and don't delve into personnel issues. I should have had all of them by now.
So here's the biggies:
FOIA request "F"
Originally filed 3/16/2010, updated often since then
Remains partially unfulfilled
Main text of remaining request:
a) All reports of Conhagen's (or any other subcontractor's) repair work on the lakefront pumps under contracts W912P8-10-D-0054 and W912P8-08-D-0090.
b) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to QRI contract W912P8-09-D-0022 subsequent to (and including) task order #9
c) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to Healtheon contract W912P8-10-D-0054 subsequent to (and including) task order #3, rev 1. This will also include task order #4 and everything after it.
d) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to Healtheon contract W912P8-08-D-0090 subsequent to (and including) task order #4, rev 1.
[This request covers contracts and reports on the repairs to the rusty hydraulic pumps at the three lakefront gate sites performed by Conhagen on behalf of the prime contractor, Healtheon. The QRI contract is for cleanup of oil spills at the three sites. Considering how bad the pumps looked in the 2009 Conhagen report I got a year ago...'s little wonder they're holding this information back. I've written about what little information I've been able to gather from secondary sources in a subsequent entry.]
FOIA request "G"
Originally filed 3/17/2010
Main text of request:
"1) Any and all emails, memoranda, and other documents related to the operation, maintenance, design, or any other matter relating to the pumps, gates, and all other associated equipment at the interim closure structures (17th Street, Orleans Avenue, London Avenue) sent or received by the following individuals between 12:01 AM November 5, 2009 and 11:59 PM November 14, 2009, as well as between 12:01 AM, December 6, 2009 and 11:59 PM December 16, 2009:
a) Colonel Alvin B Lee
b) Karen Durham-Aguilera
c) Christopher Accardo
d) Carl Robinson
e) Michael Stack Jr
f) Nancy Powell
g) Raymond Newman
h) Donald Constantine
i) Dan Bradley
Responsive documents should include all attachments to the emails, as well as the emails themselves.
2) After action reports for Corps New Orleans District activities undertaken in preparation for and during Hurricane Ida and the December 11-13 rainstorms."
[These are emails and reports which would explain what exactly happened during the London Avenue gate closure during Ida in November, 2009, as well emails and reports explaining what happened in December, 2009 when the London Avenue and 17th Street gates didn't close despite high water in both canals which exceeded the Corps' closure criteria. The Corps' SCADA data from the December, 2009 event indicate a nearly week-long outage of the SCADA system at that time.]
FOIA Request "5A"
Originally filed 4/24/2010
"1) The Comparative Cost Analysis generated by Black & Veatch under task order CZ05 of contract W912BV-07-D-1002 (original and modification attached). This report is described as a deliverable on page 7 of the original task order and is described on on page 4:
"Cost Differential Analysis. Review and analyze the cost differential and methodology between the 2006 Conceptual Design Report and the 2008 90-day study and report to congress."
2) The Basis of Cost Estimates generated by Black & Veatch under task order CZ05 of contract W912BV-07-D-1002 (original and modification attached). This report is described as a deliverable on page 7 of the original task order.
PLEASE NOTE: As regards redactions from these reports, please do not redact information regarding "Option 2" costs. I am aware that your office has redacted cost estimate information on previous reports for the permanent pumping project under the justification that a full bid process had not run its course, and that a Project Partnership Agreement explicitly calling for Option 1 had not been signed.. Since that time, a Project Parnership Agreement has been signed between the State of Louisiana and the Corps of Engineers which explicitly excludes construction of Option 2 in favor of Option 1. Therefore, while Option 1 is still playing out, there is no justification to withhold cost information regarding Option 2."
[These are reports which would presumably lay out the exact, detailed cost differential between the Option 1 and Option 2 plans for the outfall canals. These reports have been sitting in the Corps' building for years, and I DARE the Corps to release them, especially with the selection of an Option 1 contractor next month.]
None of them are particularly detailed or complicated. They are all very specific and don't delve into personnel issues. I should have had all of them by now.
So here's the biggies:
FOIA request "F"
Originally filed 3/16/2010, updated often since then
Remains partially unfulfilled
Main text of remaining request:
a) All reports of Conhagen's (or any other subcontractor's) repair work on the lakefront pumps under contracts W912P8-10-D-0054 and W912P8-08-D-0090.
b) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to QRI contract W912P8-09-D-0022 subsequent to (and including) task order #9
c) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to Healtheon contract W912P8-10-D-0054 subsequent to (and including) task order #3, rev 1. This will also include task order #4 and everything after it.
d) All contract task orders, modifications, drawings, and other addenda to Healtheon contract W912P8-08-D-0090 subsequent to (and including) task order #4, rev 1.
[This request covers contracts and reports on the repairs to the rusty hydraulic pumps at the three lakefront gate sites performed by Conhagen on behalf of the prime contractor, Healtheon. The QRI contract is for cleanup of oil spills at the three sites. Considering how bad the pumps looked in the 2009 Conhagen report I got a year ago...'s little wonder they're holding this information back. I've written about what little information I've been able to gather from secondary sources in a subsequent entry.]
FOIA request "G"
Originally filed 3/17/2010
Main text of request:
"1) Any and all emails, memoranda, and other documents related to the operation, maintenance, design, or any other matter relating to the pumps, gates, and all other associated equipment at the interim closure structures (17th Street, Orleans Avenue, London Avenue) sent or received by the following individuals between 12:01 AM November 5, 2009 and 11:59 PM November 14, 2009, as well as between 12:01 AM, December 6, 2009 and 11:59 PM December 16, 2009:
a) Colonel Alvin B Lee
b) Karen Durham-Aguilera
c) Christopher Accardo
d) Carl Robinson
e) Michael Stack Jr
f) Nancy Powell
g) Raymond Newman
h) Donald Constantine
i) Dan Bradley
Responsive documents should include all attachments to the emails, as well as the emails themselves.
2) After action reports for Corps New Orleans District activities undertaken in preparation for and during Hurricane Ida and the December 11-13 rainstorms."
[These are emails and reports which would explain what exactly happened during the London Avenue gate closure during Ida in November, 2009, as well emails and reports explaining what happened in December, 2009 when the London Avenue and 17th Street gates didn't close despite high water in both canals which exceeded the Corps' closure criteria. The Corps' SCADA data from the December, 2009 event indicate a nearly week-long outage of the SCADA system at that time.]
FOIA Request "5A"
Originally filed 4/24/2010
"1) The Comparative Cost Analysis generated by Black & Veatch under task order CZ05 of contract W912BV-07-D-1002 (original and modification attached). This report is described as a deliverable on page 7 of the original task order and is described on on page 4:
"Cost Differential Analysis. Review and analyze the cost differential and methodology between the 2006 Conceptual Design Report and the 2008 90-day study and report to congress."
2) The Basis of Cost Estimates generated by Black & Veatch under task order CZ05 of contract W912BV-07-D-1002 (original and modification attached). This report is described as a deliverable on page 7 of the original task order.
PLEASE NOTE: As regards redactions from these reports, please do not redact information regarding "Option 2" costs. I am aware that your office has redacted cost estimate information on previous reports for the permanent pumping project under the justification that a full bid process had not run its course, and that a Project Partnership Agreement explicitly calling for Option 1 had not been signed.. Since that time, a Project Parnership Agreement has been signed between the State of Louisiana and the Corps of Engineers which explicitly excludes construction of Option 2 in favor of Option 1. Therefore, while Option 1 is still playing out, there is no justification to withhold cost information regarding Option 2."
[These are reports which would presumably lay out the exact, detailed cost differential between the Option 1 and Option 2 plans for the outfall canals. These reports have been sitting in the Corps' building for years, and I DARE the Corps to release them, especially with the selection of an Option 1 contractor next month.]
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